

Endocuff Technology is available to patients at all Montserrat Day Hospitals across Queensland

One of the main reasons patients require a colonoscopy is to check for polyps or if they have a family history of colorectal carcinoma/colonic polyps. To perform a high-quality examination of the colon, Montserrat Gastroenterologists must be able to carefully visualise the colonic mucosa which is dependent on adequate bowel preparation by patients and certain quality measures including adenoma detection rates (ADR). 

Adequate Bowel Preparation

‘Split bowel preparation’ is when half of the bowel prep occurs the evening before the colonoscopy and the second half the morning of the colonoscopy, allowing patients to adequately fast. Since the introduction of split bowel preparation at Montserrat, our rate of complete colonoscopies due to adequate bowel preparation has significantly increased.

Across Montserrat, we record all colonoscopies, a selection of which are then routinely audited by an independent, senior, experienced colonoscopist. We also document our Gastroenterologists’ caecal intubation rate, withdrawal time and ADR to ensure we are meeting if not exceeding industry standards. These results are reviewed and discussed at our Quality Assurance Meetings held every three months.

How can we increase the Adenoma Detetion Rate (ADR)?


Endocuff Vision ®  is a ‘cap’ designed to fit securely around the tip of the colonsocope and is comprised of soft projection s (arms) which remain flattened during insertion in the bowel. When the colonoscope is withdrawn the soft arms project out to spread the folds of the colon. This allows for improved visibility of the bowel wall and more opportunity to find hidden or harder to see polyps.

In observational studies to date ENDOCUFF VISION ®  has been shown to

Increase ADR

Increase mean number of Adenomas per procedure

Relative decrease in the mean time to caecal intubation Ref 3

Montserrat will be, as of (insert date), routinely using ENDOCUFF VISION ® in ALL patients that are

  • over the age of 50
  • Have a personal or family history or polyps or CRC.

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Ref 1

Polyp miss rate determined by tandem colonoscopy: a systematic review. van Rijn JC, Reitsma JB, Stoker J, Bossuyt PM, van Deventer SJ, Dekker E, Am J Gastroenterol. 2006;101(2):343.

Ref 2

Quality indicators for colonoscopy and the risk of interval cancer. Kaminski MF, Regula J, Kraszewska E, Polkowski M, Wojciechowska U, Didkowska J, Zwierko M, Rupinski M, Nowacki MP, Butruk E, N Engl J Med. 2010;362(19):1795.

Ref 3

Tsiamouulos Z, et al. gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2015; 81 (5s): AB209 Abstract Sa 1423

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