Policies and Procedures
Gaythorne Day Hospital & North Lakes Day Hospital currently accommodates between 10-15 plastic and cosmetic surgeons who have been granted Clinical Privileges by the Montserrat Credentialing Committee. We perform approximately 600 cosmetic procedures each year including those outlined below:
If you have any enquiries about the types of Surgery undertaken, or would like us to put you in touch with a suitable Surgeon please send an email to: tmukauskas@montserrat.com.au . Trish Mukauskas RN is our Direcetor of Clinical Services at our Gaythorne Day Surgery and she will be pleased to handle your enquiry discretely. Trish will have one of our Surgeons, who is qualified an credentialed with us, and undertakes those procedures most regularly, to contact you to discuss your needs and their pricing.
If you would like to provide us with further information about your condition, please fill out our online enquiry form which will be automatically delivered to us and that way a response can be arranged by the most appropriatedly qualified Surgeon: http://montserrat.cnscloud.io/online.html