Colon Cancer Screening

Page: Colon Cancer Screening

Screening tests are check-ups done to detect cancer early. Colon or Bowel cancer screening can reduce the risk of death from bowel cancer in people over 50.

So far there’s no national screening program for bowel cancer however individual screening for bowel cancer is recommended.

Who should be tested?

  • If you have a family history (that means your father, mother, sister or brother have or had bowel cancer) then you have a higher risk of bowel cancer
  • Men and women who are 50 and over

How often should I be screened for bowel/ colon cancer?

Men and women who are 50 and over should be tested for bowel cancer at least
every two years (or every year if possible).

Call 07 3833 6701 to find out more about Colon/ Bowel Cancer screening.

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